Sometimes art can speak to us in ways that words can’t. Whether it’s commemorating a loved one, beautifying a city, or expressing experiences that go...
My nindaangoshenh (cousin) shared a wawiiyazh (funny) story about hearing something in the middle of the naakshig (night). She said she woke up a few weeks ago because of an enigok (loud) noise...
Bebaamaashid migizi ani-mooka’aminig I saw a migizi (bald eagle) launch itself from a zhingwaak (pine tree) when wiideigemaagan (my boyfriend) and I were driving up to Gichi-Onigaming (Grand Portage) recently for the George...
The North Shore is known for its wealth of talented artists who live and work throughout the Arrowhead region. Each artist’s story and creative journey...
Mashkiki obimiwidoon awe Mashokde Bizhiki I was recently asked if I had ever painted a bizhiki (buffalo), as they are a respected awesiinh (wild animal) for any Indigenous peoples....
The term woodworking is very broad and pretty ambiguous, but a lot of technical concepts within the different specialties—be it cabinet-making, coopering, or spoon carving—crossover....