A North Shore Holiday
Cook County’s series of themed weekends in November and December will create a memorable holiday season for everyone. Notable weekends include O Ole Night Parade and Holiday Market on Nov. 27-28, Handmade Holidays on Dec. 4-6 and Chill Out on Dec. 19-23. www.visitcookcounty.com

Amsoil Snocross Race Nov. 27-29
Get your tickets for the 24th annual Amsoil Championship Snocross Race at Spirit Mountain in Duluth. This highly anticipated event brings thousands of fans and racers from across the country and features the top names in snowmobile racing. Food and drinks will also be available and seating is first come, first served. Adult tickets are $30 a day or $55 for the weekend. Youth tickets for ages 17 and under are $25 a day or $45 for all three days. Purchase tickets online at www.spiritmt.com.

Giving Tree Nov. 27-Dec. 16
The North Shore Federal Union is accepting donations for the Lake and Cook County Food Shelf programs as part of the annual Giving Tree Holiday Helper Donation Program. Donate non-perishable food or cash to any NSFU branch, located in Grand Marais, Lutsen, Grand Portage and Silver Bay. Cash donations will be matched up to $500 total for each Food Shelf Program. Help support those less fortunately this holiday season. www.northshorefcu.org

A Glensheen Christmas Nov. 27-Jan. 3
Explore the Glensheen Estate in Duluth for a truly magical event. This self-guided experience highlights the holiday décor of the mansion, including more than 15 decorated trees, over 500 feet of garland and over 5,000 lights. Staff will be stationed around the home to tell the Congdon’s Christmas story as guests freely explore. There will also be free hot chocolate, coffee and shortbread cookies, made from Clara Congdon’s very own recipe. Christmas self-guided tours and offerings will be held on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from noon-4 p.m. Cost is $15 for adults and free for ages 12 and younger, with a paid adult. www.glensheen.org

Holiday Sales Nov. 28, Saturday
Get in the holiday spirit with the 10th annual Holiday Market at Last Chance Gallery in Lutsen from 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Featured will be special holiday art, food, a bronze pour demonstration at 4 p.m. and traditional caroling and the lighting of the Christmas tree at 6 p.m. (www.lastchancefab.com). Or head to Hovland for the Artisans Pre-Christmas Sale, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Hovland Town Hall. There will also be numerous crafts available at the Grand Marais community center and log cabin. The Girl Scouts will have poinsettias for sale and there will be a bake sale. Lunch will be provided by Alyce’s. The sale will be held from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Banff Mountain Film Festival Dec. 4-5
The Banff Mountain Film Festival is an international film competition about mountain culture, sports, adventure and environment. It takes place annually in Banff, Alberta over the course of nine days before touring internationally. This year, the festival will be returning to the Duluth DECC for two nights, featuring a different set of films each night. Doors open at 5 p.m. for food and beverages. Films will run from 7 p.m. to roughly 10:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at the door. Get your tickets at www.decc.org or learn more about the festival at www.banffcentre.ca.

Holiday Art Underground Dec. 4-5
Betsey Bowen Studio in Grand Marias will feature over 30 artists at the Holiday Art Underground event, starting with a sneak preview and sale on Friday, Dec. 4 from 5-8 p.m., featuring treats and music by local musicians. An open house will be held on Saturday, Dec. 5 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. with holiday gifts for sale by local artists of all mediums, including painters, sculptors, photographers, furniture makers, printmakers, fabric artists and more. The show will continue through Thursday, Dec. 24. www.woodcut.com

Holiday Market Dec. 4-6
Head to Knife River on the North Shore Scenic Drive for holiday shopping, arts and fun. The Holiday Market event includes B E Nelson Design (facebook.com/benelsonsilversmith), Russ Kendall’s Smokehouse (facebook.com/russkendalls), Playing with Yarn (playingwithyarn.com) and Burton Forge & Gallery (burtonforgeblacksmith.com). Visit Russ Kendall’s for glass blowing, pottery and jewelry. There will also be live music all day Saturday until 6 p.m. the Yarn Shop will feature live demos. Burton Forge will be holding a bonfire outside with marshmallows for roasting. And B. E. Nelson Design Silversmith will be decorated for the holidays and provide malt cider and treats for guests. Each business will be marked with a handmade wooden Scandinavian heart sign outside.

Light up a Life Dec. 10, Thursday
The 7th annual “Light up a Life” event, sponsored by Care Partners, offers community members the opportunity to celebrate the life of a loved one during the holiday season. Each donation lights one bulb in memory of one person on the memory tree, located downtown Grand Marais, next to Drury Lane Books. Lights will be lit as donations arrive. The tree lighting ceremony will be held at 6 p.m. at East Bay Suites in the Stone Throw room. Pastor Carolyn Schmidt will assist with a short ceremony of reflection and connection. Music will be provided by Michelle Miller. Donation forms will be available at area churches, businesses and online. www.carepartnersofcookcounty.org

The Arrowhead Ice Fishing, Snowmobile and Holiday Show Dec. 11-13
The Arrowhead Ice Fishing, Snowmobile and Holiday Show will provide unlimited fun for the whole family. Manufacturers will be available for questions, as well as numerous holiday and outdoor vendors. Also featured is the free Frozen Basin fishing hole, where you can catch a variety of multi-colored tagged fish. Each colored tag represents a certificate that can be redeemed at any of the participating show vendors. There will be over $10,000 in certificates and merchandise prizes. There will also be live penguins on display, food, free daily seminars and a life-sized snow globe, great for a free, colored family photo. The show will be held at the DECC in Duluth. www.shamrockprod.com

Minnesota Ballet the Nutcracker Dec. 11-13 (Duluth) & Dec. 18-19 (Thunder Bay)
Enjoy an evening of holiday magic, whimsical music and elegant dancing with the traditional Nutcracker, performed by the Minnesota Ballet. Watch a fierce battle between toy soldiers and mouse warriors, Mother Ginger and her mischief making gingerbread children, and the Sugar Plum Fairy balancing delicately on pointe. Performances will be held at the Duluth DECC Symphony Hall, Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m., and at the Thunder Bay Community Auditorium at 7 p.m. both nights. To purchase tickets, visit www.ticketmaster.com for Duluth and www.tbca.com for Thunder Bay.

Ice Candle & Holiday Gathering Dec. 19, Saturday
Visit with neighbors and friends over coffee and a light lunch for the Embarrass Holiday Gathering, held at the Embarrass Town Hall from 4-6 p.m. There will be crafts and goodies for the young children, and Santa Claus might stop in to say hi. Volunteers will meet before the event at about 2 p.m. at the cemetery, to place and light the candles. For the best view, wait until at least dusk to drive through the cemetery. If you’re comfortable driving with only your parking lights on, you will have less “light pollution” for your pictures and viewing pleasure. www.embarrass.org
An Evening with Sinatra Dec. 31, Thursday
Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra presents An Evening with Sinatra. Ring in the New Year with crooner impersonator Michael Andrew, as he performs classic hit after hit of the influential actor, producer and jazz singer, Frank Sinatra. The concert will begin at 7 p.m. at the DECC Symphony Hall in Duluth. www.dsso.com