When he isn't working as a Special Education Director in Duluth, raising his two cats, or in his studio painting, Sam Zimmerman is outside hiking, fishing, or sketching along the shores of Gitchi Gami. He is currently working on his first book of paintings with stories in English and Ojibwemowin.
Niiyo-gikinoonowin (four years) ago, my niiji (friend) and I headed to Alaska for my birthday; it was a trip I had bawaazh (dreamed) about for years. We met amazingly miikawaadenim (beautiful) people....
Ezhi-dakonaawasod gookomis This newest piece celebrates my nookomis (grandmother). I told my indede (dad) recently that I wasn’t sure if I baawaajige (dreamt) about my nookomis (grandmother) or if she visited me. I’ve...
My nindaangoshenh (cousin) shared a wawiiyazh (funny) story about hearing something in the middle of the naakshig (night). She said she woke up a few weeks ago because of an enigok (loud) noise...
Bebaamaashid migizi ani-mooka’aminig I saw a migizi (bald eagle) launch itself from a zhingwaak (pine tree) when wiideigemaagan (my boyfriend) and I were driving up to Gichi-Onigaming (Grand Portage) recently for the George...
Mashkiki obimiwidoon awe Mashokde Bizhiki I was recently asked if I had ever painted a bizhiki (buffalo), as they are a respected awesiinh (wild animal) for any Indigenous peoples....
Kinnikinnick gijigijigaaneshiinh When I was a gwiiwizens (boy), imbaabaa (my father) and nimishoomenh (my uncle) took me down to my nimishoomis (my grandfather’s) childhood home in Cannonball Bay, Gichi-onigamiing (Grand Portage Reservation). They showed me...
Gaagaagii babaamademo A niiji (friend) recently shared that when she was driving along Hwy 61, a migizi (bald eagle) was fighting with gaagaagiwag (ravens) over a fresh waawaashkeshi (deer) kill. It reminded me...