Erin Altemus lives with her husband and a kennel of Alaskan racing huskies in the deep woods off the Gunflint Trail. She has run the Beargrease Marathon, canoed all the major rivers of Northern Ontario and worked as a nurse, farmer, teacher, waitress, newspaper delivery person and kayak guide. She enjoys adventuring through the woods via dog sled, canoe and on-foot.
When the maple leaves start turning from greens to reds, and the birch, aspen and tamarack transform to hues of gold, Minnesota’s North Shore beckons...
Lake Superior has become a virtual museum of maritime history. Below the aqua hue of Superior’s surface, ships rest along the bottom, preserved by the...
At 2.3 million acres, Wabakimi Provincial Park is as large as Quetico Provincial Park and the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) combined. The large...