When he isn't working as a Special Education Director in Duluth, raising his two cats, or in his studio painting, Sam Zimmerman is outside hiking, fishing, or sketching along the shores of Gitchi Gami. He is currently working on his first book of paintings with stories in English and Ojibwemowin.
Last week, as I went to the studio with arms full and trying not to spill makade-mashkikiwaaboo (coffee), I noticed a ajidamoo (squirrel) laying on the ground...
This past Gashkadino-Giizis (Freezing Moon/November), my niiji (friend) and I had a Dark Skies gallery reception in Kitchibitobig (Grand Marais). Afterwards, we got in the car to head zhaawanong (south) to Onigamiising (Duluth). We were...
My East Coast niijii (friend) and family flew to Minnesota for an exhibition ishwaaso-anama’e-giizhik (a few weeks) back. It was their first time odishiwe (visiting) Minnesota, meeting my ingitiziimag (parents) and siblings,...
In Manoominike-giizis (August/Ricing Moon), I had just passed through Superior heading to Prairie Island when I saw a large bineshiinh (bird) on the side of the road. I passed...
Recently, my niiji (friend) and I were sitting by the nibi (water), maada’ookii (sharing) stories about growing up niizh manidoowag (two spirited), when niizh (two) maangwag (loons) began to swim by. We continued talking, watching...
Gichi-Onigaming (Grand Portage) received niizhwaaswi (seven) bizhiki (bison) to begin its okwiinowag (herd) this past Iskigamizige-giizis (April). One of the bizhiki (bison) was ningigishkawaawas (pregnant) when it arrived. Among the adults, a little light colored bizhikiins (calf) stands...