Sawtooth Mountain Clinic in Grand Marais is updating technology to offer personalized healthcare at a small-town clinic and cutting edge, precise medical record-keeping. Previously for...
Isla Magdalena is barren, moonlike. No trees or plants, just rocks and dust-colored grass cratered with round holes within which penguins rested, like prairie dogs....
By Linda LeGarde Grover University of Minnesota Press, $14.95 Long before it became known as Duluth, the land was known to the Ojibwe as Onigamiising,...
Outdoor Memories By Tim Mead Ancient Angler Press, $17.95 Some might call this a memoir. Others might call it a great collection of fishing stories....
Trolls are huge, ugly and extremely dangerous. Thankfully, their brains are no bigger than a walnut, so even small children can trick them. But first...
In the summer of 2011, the Northern Wilds office in Grand Marais had two surprise visitors: Gaby Würth and Werner Bahner of Freiburg, Germany. Longtime...