Northern Wilds Magazine
The Wolf Center recently held a naming contest for the puppies. Look for the results on our Facebook page. | Submitted
Along the ShoreAnimals

Wolf Center welcomes pups

ELY—The International Wolf Center in Ely has two new arctic wolf pups that arrived from Canada early June. After customs inspections, check-ups and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service paperwork, the pups made it to their new home.

The Wolf Center recently held a naming contest for the puppies. Look for the results on our Facebook page. | Submitted
The Wolf Center recently held a naming contest for the puppies. Look for the results on our Facebook page. | Submitted

They are settling in nicely, and becoming more playful and curious each day. They are also growing incredibly fast. The temporarily nicknamed wolf Axel is slightly bigger. He is a little more dominant and constantly jumping on his brother. Grayback (also a temporary nickname) is more timid, but still gives Axel a run for his money in the tussling department.

Both pups are attended night and day by the wolf care staff and trained volunteers. They are old enough to eat solid food, in addition to their regular formula. The pups are also receiving an intense socialization process. This allows them to exhibit natural wolf behaviors in the enclosure while still allowing the wolf care staff to safely feed and care for them.

The pups will graduate to the main wolf enclosure in early August where they will be beautiful, all-white ambassadors for the arctic wolf. See the pups live at the Wolf Pups! program, presented four times per day in the Ely auditorium.

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