Adjusting the Leki Cressida Aergon SpeedLock AS trekking poles is a snap. You simply flip out the two blaze-orange clips, extend the pole to your desired height (the range is 65-125 cm), and flip the clips back in place to lock it. Repeat with the other pole. It took about as much time as tying my shoes. Second, the poles were super-light—17.4 ounces, to be exact—and the grips fit my hands nicely. The Cressidas are part of Leki’s “Wildflower” line designed for women. They were a great help on a recent hike. The carbide tips never slipped after I planted them, even on bare rock. Hiking downhill was made easier by the poles because the soft antishock system absorbed some of the impact of each step. It was love at first hike. MSRP $139.95. More information at–Shelby Gonzalez