Packing Drop Bags for the IditarodErin AltemusJanuary 31, 2024February 26, 2024 by Erin AltemusJanuary 31, 2024February 26, 2024 One of the more complex pieces to plan for the Iditarod is what are called “drop bags,” which are re-supply bags sent ahead to each...
The Rookie Gets ReadyErin AltemusDecember 26, 2023 by Erin AltemusDecember 26, 2023 In early December, I made a 24-hour trip to Anchorage for the Iditarod rookie meeting. I and 16 other aspiring Iditarod mushers attended a one-day...
Feet, Meat and BeatsErin AltemusNovember 28, 2023 by Erin AltemusNovember 28, 2023 I know it’s cliché to say, but there is so much going through my head right now, I feel it is going to explode. Sometimes,...
Sign-up, Plan, Train, Train, TrainErin AltemusNovember 13, 2023November 13, 2023 by Erin AltemusNovember 13, 2023November 13, 2023 Over the past 12 or so years that we have raced sled dogs, I’ve been asked many times if we have thought about running “that...
Women WinErin AltemusMarch 29, 2023 by Erin AltemusMarch 29, 2023 Post Beargrease, we prepared for the UP200, which I planned to run. The weather turned warmer and warmer, melting snow off the trails all around...
A Handler’s TaleErin AltemusFebruary 21, 2023 by Erin AltemusFebruary 21, 2023 As the forecast firmed up to be solidly cold and blustery, I felt no lesser for being chief handler of Matt’s Beargrease marathon team. Matt...
Taking ChancesErin AltemusJanuary 24, 2023 by Erin AltemusJanuary 24, 2023 For three days during the Christmas blizzard of 2022, the wind kept up a steady blow, moving snow everywhere, taking down trees, blowing anything loose,...
Teamwork is the DreamworkErin AltemusDecember 28, 2022 by Erin AltemusDecember 28, 2022 Two feet of fresh snow in mid-November put us on sleds a month earlier than last year. Due to freezing rain before the snow fall...