The North Shore is a welcoming place for pursuing various passions, whether it’s enjoying daily life in the natural environment, connecting the community and visitors...
In Manoominike-giizis (August/Ricing Moon), I had just passed through Superior heading to Prairie Island when I saw a large bineshiinh (bird) on the side of the road. I passed...
Recently, my niiji (friend) and I were sitting by the nibi (water), maada’ookii (sharing) stories about growing up niizh manidoowag (two spirited), when niizh (two) maangwag (loons) began to swim by. We continued talking, watching...
Gichi-Onigaming (Grand Portage) received niizhwaaswi (seven) bizhiki (bison) to begin its okwiinowag (herd) this past Iskigamizige-giizis (April). One of the bizhiki (bison) was ningigishkawaawas (pregnant) when it arrived. Among the adults, a little light colored bizhikiins (calf) stands...
There’s a different kind of art gallery happening this summer in Thunder Bay. Celebrating its third season is the Tbay Drive-by Art Gallery, held the...