GRAND MARAIS—North Shore Health Care Foundation (NSHCF), recently recognized board member Judy Meath for her leadership in the establishment of Care Partners of Cook County. During her tenure with the Foundation, Judy also served as vice president, Grants Committee Chair and worked with policy development, bringing extensive experience as a retired vice president of HealthPartners Medical Group and Clinics, and the Children’s Home Society & Family Services in St. Paul, MN.

Care Partners of Cook County. She is flanked by Kay Grindland and John Bottger. |SUBMITTED
Judy’s involvement with Care Partners began in 2008 when she was asked to convene and chair a committee to further explore options for a hospice/palliative care program. By 2010 with Judy’s guidance, the hospice initiative was reconceived as Care Partners of Cook County: a collaborative of NSHCF, Sawtooth Mountain Clinic and Cook County North Shore Hospital.
Judy continued to chair NSHCF’s Care Partners Oversight Committee until this year, when she helped facilitate Care Partner’s move from a program of the Foundation, to an independent nonprofit, providing an array of supports and services.
“Judy contributed so much insightful leadership and skilled mentoring for me and others in the program,” Care Partners executive director, Kay Grindland expressed. “I believe her work helping to build collaborative relationships for Care Partners has strengthened the entire network of health care services for seniors in Cook County.”
Care Partners of Cook County was recently granted 501(c)(3) status. “It’s a very exciting time for Care Partners,” said board president Jayne Johnson. “We are now able to qualify for additional grants as well as accept donations made directly to Care Partners of Cook County.”