Northern Wilds Magazine

Mooka’am Kagige: Sunrise Raven

I love waking up with my makade-mashkikiwaaboo (coffee), during the quiet mooka’am (sunrise) of the gigizheb (morning) with my cats. We sit together and watch the misajidamoo (grey squirrels), my nemesis the waabooz (rabbit) and other morning beings. A few weeks ago I greeted the day with my  makade-mashkikiwaaboo (coffee) when a kagige (raven) sat ogidabak (on the roof) watching me. It was a reminder to fill my bird feeders and put out bagaanag (peanuts). I went in the garage to get more miinikaanan (seeds) and peanuts and when I came back outside – he had moved so he could watch me.
I love how kagige (raven) miigwanag (feathers) have the blue and purple shimmer.

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