When he isn't working as a Special Education Director in Duluth, raising his two cats, or in his studio painting, Sam Zimmerman is outside hiking, fishing, or sketching along the shores of Gitchi Gami. He is currently working on his first book of paintings with stories in English and Ojibwemowin.
When I am out wandering the woods, I am always delighted when I come across newly chewed and felled trees from amikwag (beavers). They are among some of...
As the days get shorter in biboon (winter), I am already looking forward to the warmer ziigwan (spring) months. The arrival of ziigwan (spring) is my favorite time of...
I was up in Gichi-onigamiing (Grand Portage) for nimiwin (powwow), burning bashkodejiibik (sage) jiigibiig (on the shore) looking for lake glass and cool rocks when I saw a wadikwan (tree branch) in...
I love waking up with my makade-mashkikiwaaboo (coffee), during the quiet mooka’am (sunrise) of the gigizheb (morning) with my cats. We sit together and watch the misajidamoo (grey squirrels), my nemesis the waabooz (rabbit) and...
I am scared of ice fishing, so I admire akwa’wewinini (ice fisherman) who are zoongide’e (brave) enough to venture out onto the mikwam (ice) during cold baboon (winter) days...
In Zaagibagaa-giizis (May), I needed to step away from my studio and computer screen for a bit, so I went agwajiing (outside) and walked along Gitchi Gami (Lake Superior). As I was...
I saw a miikawaadad (beautiful) waagosh (fox) a couple weeks ago when I was coming down Highway 61 zhaawanong (south of) Gichi-onigamiing (Grand Portage), but I couldn’t stop fast enough to take...
Some of my favorite memories are sitting around with imbaabaa (my dad) and nimishoomeyag (my uncles) listening to different versions of how family mooz (moose) hunting trips actually happened....