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Step by Step: Walking Your Way to a Healthier Life

Walking has physical, mental, and emotional benefits. | STOCK

Some things that do us the most good are so common, so every day, so down-right ordinary, that their importance fades into the background of our lives. Walking is one of those under-appreciated marvels. The most researched form of exercise, it’s one of the single best ways we can improve our current health and increase both our life-spans and our health-spans.

Physical Benefits

This humble form of activity provides extraordinary physical rewards:

Mental Benefits

Walking improves blood circulation throughout the body. In the brain, this improvement in circulation helps to:

Emotional Benefits

Walking not only feels good physically, but by boosting endorphins (naturally occurring “feel-good” chemicals) it improves our emotional well-being:

Ready to incorporate more walking into your life? Here are some tips to help get you started off on the right foot.

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