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First Aid for Our Furry Friends

Sick dog laying down on white background

For many of us, our pets are more than just companions—they’re family. In an emergency, being prepared and knowing some basic first aid can help you to help these beloved family members.

Keep Yourself Safe

Remember that even gentle pets can lash out when hurt or afraid. Protect yourself first so that you can best help them:


In general, if a substance is harmful to people, it’s also going to be harmful to pets: rodent poison, antifreeze, cleaning products, etc. But, keep in mind that there are a number of substances that humans consume that can be harmful to pets:

Alcohol/THC/CBD, avocado, chives, chocolate, coconut water, coffee or coffee grounds, fatty foods, fruit pits, garlic, grapes/raisins, macadamia nuts, medicine (over-the-counter prescription), onions, salt/salty snacks, tea, yeast dough, and any products containing xylitol (an artificial sweetener).

If you know that your pet has been in contact with something harmful, or if they’re exhibiting symptoms of poisoning (having seizures, losing consciousness, or difficulty breathing), call your vet or an animal poisoning hotline immediately: Animal Poison Control Center hotline (888-426-4435), or Pet Poison Helpline (855-764-7661). These numbers are for both the U.S. and Canada. There may be a fee for hotline/helpline calls.

If possible, provide the helpline with the following information:

Gather up any material your pet may have vomited or chewed, and place it in a sealable bag. Take it with you if you go see the vet.

Open Wounds

Broken Bones


Signs of choking include: difficulty breathing, pawing at their mouth, making choking sounds, or having blue-tinted lips or tongue.

Not Breathing

For more information about first aid for pets, visit the American Veterinary Medical Association at: They have emergency protocols for other conditions and tips on creating a first aid kit for pets.

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