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The Great Lakes at Ten Miles an Hour

The Great Lakes at Ten Miles an Hour:

One Cyclist’s Journey Along the Shores of the Inland Seas

Over the course of four summers, author Thomas Shevory rode his bicycle around the Great Lakes. This book is Shevory’s account of his travels, paired with his exploration and observations of the geological, environmental, historical and cultural riches harbored by North America’s great inland seas. Throughout the book, Shevory describes the engaging characters he encounters along the way and the surprising range of country and city landscapes, bustling and serene locales that he experiences, making us true companions on his ride.

By Thomas Shevory
University of Minnesota Press, $16.95

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The Great Lakes at Ten Miles an Hour: One Cyclist’s Journey Along the Shores of the Inland Seas

The Great Lakes at Ten Miles an Hour: One Cyclist’s Journey Along the Shores of the Inland Seas

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