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Bad news for bears

The DNR has found two factors can reliably predict the bear harvest: the number of hunters and the productivity of three key fall foods—hazelnuts, acorns and dogwood berries. When fall foods are poor, hunting success increases. | SHERRI ANDERSON

TWO HARBORS—Drought conditions and poor production of berries and other wild foods has led to a surge of bear complaints along the North Shore this summer as hungry bears wander into backyards and rummage through dumpsters looking for something to eat. Minnesota DNR area wildlife manager Nancy Hanson passed along some information about the food conditions and how to discourage bears from causing problems for people.

In mid-August, Hanson said in an email, “My staff has been busy fielding calls and doing site visits on bear issues. North Shore conservation officers Mary Manning and Kylan Hill have been very busy with bear complaints this year. Jon Benson of the USFS in Tofte has tallied a lot of bear complaints from campsite users in the BWCAW too this year. The USFS put a Food Storage Order in place to help prevent bear problems at campsites.”

Generally, bear foods in general are better along the North Shore due to the lake effect, but not good farther inland. Hazelnuts are looking good, and raspberries improved late after the rains came. Due to the lack of natural foods, many bears have been attracted to garbage at residences, businesses and community dumpsters. Once they find a food resource, they will return to it.

Poor food production leads to more nuisance complaints. Along the North Shore, the DNR received a fair increase in nuisance complaints over last year, as hungry bears become increasingly bold in their quest
for food.

Folks plagued with bear problems may get some relief due to the upcoming hunting season. Bear baiting began Aug. 14 and bear hunting starts Sept. 1. Poor food production typically leads to higher hunting success, since over 90 percent of hunters use bait. Bears are more reliant on these baits when they are hungry and preparing for hibernation. The DNR has found two factors can reliably predict the bear harvest: the number of hunters and the productivity of three key fall foods—hazelnuts, acorns and dogwood berries. When fall foods are poor, hunting success increases.

Assuming food conditions remain the same into the fall, DNR biologists expect an above-average harvest (at least 2,400–2,600 bears) this year. Hunters can expect good success in areas food conditions are poor. Unfortunately, the harvest of reproductive females increases dramatically in poor food years. Older females are drawn into baits and shot at disproportionally high rates. If a large proportion of the 2020 harvest consists of reproductive females, this could depress the population growth rate for several years.

The sharp drop in the bear population 20 years ago, and its unexpectedly slow recovery (even with relatively low harvests) was, in part, caused by an excessive harvest of older females in a very poor food year in 1995. In recent years, the DNR issued fewer hunting permits to build the bear population so it would be more resilient during years with poor foods and above-average hunting harvests.

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